Overige informatie

Mischa van Diepen in 2020 finished his Master (cum laude) in Russian and Eurasian Studies at the University of Leiden with his thesis ‘Local Memory of Tragedy amidst a War of Memories: A Case Study of the 2nd of May Events in Odesa, Ukraine’.

In 2012 he took language courses in Moscow and in 2016 he took part in an academic exchange program at the State University of St. Petersburg.

In Juli 2014 he followed language courses at the NovaMova language school in Kiev Since March 2020 he works as a freelance journalist and published articles on Raam op Rusland, De Groene Amsterdammer, Mo.be and Trouw. 


Vaste auteurs

Journalist en cultureel columnist
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Slavist en docent
Journalist in Kyiv
Eindredacteur RAAM
Politiek analist en schrijver
Slavist en journalist
Historicus en journalist
Journalist en slavist
Politicoloog en Ruslandkenner
Journalist en slavist

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