Peter Pomerantsev
- Publicist en televisiemaker
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Peter Pomerantsev is een Britse televisieproducent en publicist. Hij werkte negen jaar in Moskou voor de Russische televisie en schreef over zijn ervaringen het veelgeprezen boek Niets is waar en alles is mogelijk. Pomerantsev is verbonden aan de Londense denktank Legatum Institute.
Publicist and televisionproducer
Peter Pomerantsev, born in Kiev and raised in London, is a British televisionproducer and publicist. He worked for nine years in Moscow at the Russian television. About this period he wrote the book Nothing is True and Everything is Possible (2015).
In his research and writings Pomerantsev focuses on 21st century propaganda. He regularly contributes to the London Review of Books, The Atlantic, the Financial Times and Foreign Policy. He is a senior fellow at the Legatum Institute in London.