Overige informatie

Sir Rodric Braithwaite is a former British diplomat. He served as a sergeant in military intelligence in Vienna, and studied French and Russian at Cambridge. He joined the Diplomatic Service in 1955 and had postings in Jakarta, Warsaw, Moscow, Rome, Brussels (EU) and Washington. He was on the Sherpa team for the G7 Summits (1984-8), ambassador in Moscow (1988-1992), and Foreign Policy Adviser to Prime Minister Major and Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee (1992-3).

He has published 'Across the Moscow River' (2002); 'Moscow 1941: A City and its People at War' (2006); 'Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979-1989' (2011); 'Coming of Age in Warsaw: A Cold War Story' (published privately in 2014); and 'Armageddon and Paranoia: The Nuclear Confrontation'. He is currently writing about Russia’s tangled relations with the outside world over the last thousand years.


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