Overige informatie
Victoria Leukavets is a post-doctoral researcher at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. Her research focusses on Belarus' domestic and foreign policy, elections and protests in non-democratic regimes, and the political economy of international sanctions. Victoria holds a PhD from the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Science, where she was a Marie Curie Fellow. Her doctoral research focused on integration processes and policies in Belarus and Ukraine in relation to the EU and Russia.
Victoria has participated in several fellowships, including at the Harvard Davis Center, the European Parliament, Wilson Center, and the UK Parliament. Her work has been published in journals and books such as Europe-Asia StudiesNew PerspectivesIbidem VerlagCaucasus SurveyBelarus DigestRussian Analytical Digest.


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Slavist en docent
Journalist in Kyiv
Eindredacteur RAAM
Politiek analist en schrijver
Slavist en journalist
Historicus en journalist
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Politicoloog en Ruslandkenner
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