
  • Political prisoners Belarus risk losing parental rights

    Political prisoners from Belarus risk losing custody of their children. The punishment, which mainly targets mothers, is an

  • I am learning to feel my fear

    This week, we introduce our new name: RAAM, a window on Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. An important reason for this name change is our

  • The Stalinist logic of Russia's political repressions

    Meduza spoke to a lawyer, a historian and a criminal-policy expert, who reflect on the extreme sentences and political repression in Russia.
    by Meduza
  • Putin’s neo-totalitarian project

    Putin's former repressive authoritarianisme since the invasion of Ukraine has morphed into a new form of government: neo-totalitarianism. Public discourse is captured by warmongers, pluralism in the ruling elite is wiped out and the population is politically mobilised for a long war, based on a war economy.
    by Maria Domańska
  • Purges and professionals: the transformed Russian regime

    The constitutional, political and social changes of 2020–2021 have proven so sweeping and profound that the Russian regime is undergoing a renaissance. An abyss opened up: you are either pro-regime or anti-regime. In the last case you are criminal.
    by Tatyana Stanovaya
  • Repression of Belarusian media will only further polarize society

    The Belarusian government’s move to destroy the country’s biggest non-state media outlet—the website—is as sign that eliminating political threats isn’t just a priority, it’s the regime’s only task. With de-escalation becoming almost impossible, society will become even more polarized, and fewer and fewer people will be prepared to forgive the regime. Belarus is facing the danger of a violent escalation.
    by Artyom Shraibman