How to read Russia? Lessons from an insider

On November 29 the Fourth October Lecture of Raam op Rusland and debating centre De Rode Hoed took place in the format of a livestream interview with the prominent political scientist Yekaterina Schulmann in Moscow. The interview was conducted by VPRO journalist Chris Kijne and lasted nearly an hour.  Listen here to the podcast.


The year 2020 has been mindboggling, also in Russia. Putin tightened his control over Russian society and annulled his own presidential terms  to be able to reign till 2036. But not all was under control.

Corona hits Russia hard, in Khabarovsk people have been protesting the arrest of their governor for months now. Relations with the West soured after the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. And in Russia’s Near Abroad there was upheaval too: in Belarus, the Caucasus, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan.

How to read Russia? Do we understand how the country is governed? Is Putin still the guarantee for stability?  Will a young generation change and modernize Russia?  How do Russians look at Europe and how do they look at the US?

Yekaterina Schulmann

Yekaterina Schulmann (42) studied political science at the Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. She currently works as associate professor of the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences and is an associate fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme of Chatham House. She hosts a radio-show on the Moscow station Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow). From 2018-2019 she was member of the presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights. She runs a popular YouTube channel and is one of the most frequently asked commentators on current affairs in Russia.

The event was organised by Raam op Rusland and debating center De Rode Hoed and supported by


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