Riding high on symbolism: the new orthodox calendar in Ukraine
Political and military setbacks notwithstanding, Ukrainians continue their advance in the realm of decolonization. An example is the
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The politicisation of religion in rural Ukrainian Orthodox Church Communities
In 2019, the outcome of a hard-fought battle over the structure of the Eastern Orthodox Church shook Ukrainian religious life to its core. In this thesis Elsa Court examines what happened to parishes in western Ukraine as they were faced with the choice to switch to the new Kyiv-centred church or stick with the politically unpopular Moscow Patriarchy.by Elsa Court -
Unorthodox appeal: priests defend Moscow protesters
An open letter written by Russian Orthodox priests in defense of those imprisoned over recent protests in Moscow is the first time that clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church have taken collective action that was not sanctioned by the church authorities.by Ksenia Luchenko -
Украинская автокефалия как историческая драма
Встреча президента Украины Петра Порошенко и патриарха Варфоломея стала началом четвертого акта большой исторической драмы под
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The Orthodox churches and the 'Church war' in Ukraine
The relations between Ukraine's two biggest Orthodox churches, the church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC MP) and the church of the Kyiv
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Islamic State and Christian State are kins but no twins
In september Alexander Kalinin, the leader of the fundamentalist Russian-orthodox organisation 'Christian State - Holy Russia' was
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Храм – прежде всего храм, а потом уже музей
Я лично не питаю никаких симпатий к организаторам шествий в защиту решения губернатора Санкт-Петербурга Полтавченко передать