Andreas Umland
Politicoloog en Ruslandkenner
Andreas Umland (1967, Jena) studeerde Russisch, geschiedenis en politicologie in Leipzig, Stanford en Oxford.
Hij is onderzoeker aan het Instituut voor Euro-Atlantische Samenwerking in Kiev.Umland is hoofdredacteur van de boekserie 'Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society', gepubliceerd door de gelijknamige uitgeverij in Stuttgart, buiten Europa wordt gedistribueerd door Columbia University Press. Hij publiceert veelvuldig in internationale vakbladen.
Historian and political scientist
Andreas Umland (1967, Jena) studied Russian, history and political sciences at the universities in Leipzig, Stanford and Oxford. He specializes in contemporary Russian and Ukrainian history. He works as a researcher at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation in Kiev.
He has been general editor of the book series ‘Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society’, published by Ibidem Verlag. He frequently contributes articles to international professional journals.
- Oekraïense inval in Koersk is verrassende doorbraak
- Moet Kyiv onder druk worden gezet om land te verruilen voor vrede?
- Domestic obstacles for a Russian-Ukrainian truce
- How the West Can Help Ukraine: Three Strategies for Victory and Rebirth
- Old and New Ukrainian Paths to European Integration
- Zelensky and the Donbas Conflict: no Progress in Sight
- The Yuri Tymoshenko Risk
- Why and how a new democratization of Russia can happen
- Ukraine’s patronalistic regime is trying to preserve itself
- De nucleaire fall-out van Trumps samenwerking met Poetin
- Dugin and other radical right intellectuals on the march
- Glazyev Tapes: What Moscow's interference in Ukraine means for the Minsk Agreements
- Oekraïnes herdenkingspolitiek belemmert Europese integratie
- Eastern Europe and Turkey must sign own security pact