Oekraïne staat er steeds meer alleen voor
Zelensky’s bezoek aan de VS is voor Oekraïne teleurstellend verlopen. In plaats van steun voor het ‘overwinningsplan’ waarmee de
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Zelensky wil Poetin via de VS tot onderhandelen dwingen
Met zijn bezoek aan de VS en de VN probeert Zelensky het initiatief voor vredesoverleg bij Oekraïne te houden. Daartoe klopt hij aan
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Not Germany or France but US main obstacle for Ukraine’s access to NATO
Fifteen years ago Germany and France refused Ukraine membership of NATO. Now the USA are the main obstacle. On the eve of the NATO-summit in Vilnius (11-12 July) the stakes are high. Ukraine will not accept promises about ‘deepening the partnership’ but will ask for a clear invitation.by Sergiy Sydorenko -
Mediaspiegel: Russische pers over videotop Poetin-Biden
Wat berichten de Russische of Oekraïense pers, populaire televisieprogramma’s en online kanalen over de actualiteit? Deze nieuwe
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Oekraïne heeft recht op een eigen buitenlandse politiek
Terwijl de Russen massaal troepen hebben samengetrokken bij de Oekraïense grens, eist het Kremlin dat het Westen definitief
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Moscow wants to limit Ukraine's sovereignty via Washington
Many of the debates about the possibility of a Russian military action against Ukraine focus on what what US President Joe Biden and other NATO leaders can do to prevent it (or how to react if it happens.) What has been missing is a reflection on some of the wider contextual motives behind Moscow’s moves to ratchet up tension.by Anton Barbashin -
Russian foreign policy is changing rapidly
The amassment of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border makes the world nervous. Putin's retoric is belligerent and the Kremlin refuses to talk to the Ukrainian leadership. Is it deterrence, bluff or the foreboding of war?by Dmitri Trenin -
The latest spat between Russia and NATO is symbolic, not significant
After NATO's expulsion of 8 Russian 'spies', Moscow retaliated with the closing down of the permanent mission to NATO in the Russian capital. How bad is that? According to our columnist Mark Galeotti Moscow does not believe that multinational agencies have any real importance. It prefers bilateral contacts, like the talks between Putin and Biden.by Mark Galeotti -
Why is Moscow so calm about the victory of the Taliban?
After the takeover of Kabul by the Taliban, thousands of Afghans who worked for the former regime stormed the airport to leave the country. Most countries closed down their embassies, but the Russians stayed calm. For Russia, the collapse of the Afghan regime is a welcome defeat of the West.by Ivan Klyszcz -
Biden meets Putin: the return of diplomacy
Expectations were low, but the Geneva summit between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin on June 16 was good, argues Kadri Liik, senior policy fellow of the European Council on Foreign Relations. It was not so much the concrete deliverables, but the restoration of the power of old-fashioned diplomacy and working patiently away at difficult problems. The presidents found the start of a modus vivendi for managing their mutual relationship.by Kadri Liik -
Vlak voor top Biden kondigt Poetin nieuwe buitenlanddoctrine aan
Twee weken voor de eerste ontmoeting van Vladimir Poetin en de nieuwe Amerikaanse president Joe Biden heeft het Kremlin wijzigingen
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Germany unlikely to join American pushback strategy towards Russia
The perceptions by the German government of Putin’s Russia appear to converge with the views of the Biden administration. Both acknowledge the link between the Kremlin’s repressive domestic policies and aggressive foreign policy. But in German government, there is a wide gap between the views and correspondingly tough responses.by Hannes Adomeit -
Ukraine, Russia, and United States make use of Donbas tension
Tough rhetoric, preemptive escalation, and the announcement of new sanctions were necessary for Biden to start the inevitable conversation with Russia. For Russia, the deployment of huge amounts of troups was meant to show that Putin decides which red line shouldn't be crossed. Both Ukrainian and Russian leaders used the tension 'to make contact with the new U.S. administration'. This is, obviously, not 2014.by Alexander Baunov -
Sticks and carrots in Biden’s Russia strategy
So far it is two cheers for Biden's approach to Russia, Some of the sanctions will be more effective than others. By calling Putin a 'killer' with respect to Navalny, but at the same time inviting him for a meeting, he shows he has sticks and carrots to offer.by Matthew Sussex -
Russische troepen voeren spanning op rond Donbas
Al weken tonen de sociale media en Oekraïense televisiezenders beelden van kolonnes Russisch militair materieel in de buurt van de
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Biden called Putin a killer. Will that change anything?
In an interview president Biden affirmed that he considered Putin 'a killer'. Russian pundits reacted ferociously, but Putin rather made fun of him. Biden punished Putin for trying to damage his reputation by smearing his Ukrainian connections. What is worse, though, is that the Kremlin will use the quote against what's left of political opposition at home.by Vladimir Frolov -
Gedekt door Biden pakt Zelensky de handschoen tegen Poetin op
Oekraïne heeft drie pro-Russische televisiezenders verboden en ook beslag gelegd op andere bezittingen van eigenaar Medvedtsjoek,
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De nieuwe terughoudendheid van het Kremlin: façade of koerswijziging?
Vanaf 2008 zat het Kremlin er in Georgië, Oekraïne, Moldova en Syrië bovenop. De Russische invloedssfeer, de Roesski Mir,
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Under Biden there will be no 'reset' with Russia
In an Open Letter American experts have urged a new start in the US-Russian relations and advocated a ‘soft’ approach, but political analyst Hannes Adomeit almost excludes that Biden will follow their advice. .by Hannes Adomeit -
Rusland verliest 'vriend Trump' en moet zich met 'snoeiharde Biden' verstaan
Trump bracht zo'n ontwrichting teweeg in het westers bondgenootschap, dat het Moskou kansen gaf 'de vijand stuk voor stuk te
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Kremlin erkent Biden nog niet als president, Russische kranten zeer sceptisch
Het Kremlin erkent Joe Biden vooralsnog niet als de nieuwe president van de Verenigde Staten. Volgens Poetins woordvoerder Dmitri ...
'Trump has done nothing good for Russia'
Donald Trump's victory in 2016 was a pleasant surprise for the Kremlin and raised hope for a reset of the relations with the U.S. Instead, the confrontation didn't abate and time and again the U.S. Congress imposed new sanctions against Russia. On the eve of the American polls, most Russians are indifferent as to who will be elected, while the Kremlin doesn't expect a significant change whoever will be the next president.by Matthew Luxmoore -
Trump en zijn mensen snappen niets van wapenbeheersing
De Amerikanen zijn druk bezig om het systeem van wapenbeheersing af te breken. Ze trekken zich in hoog tempo terug uit
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Zelensky's gesprek met Trump oogst in Kiev hoon én lof
Maandenlang had Oekraïne toegewerkt naar een ontmoeting tussen Zelensky en Trump. Maar toen het moment eenmaal daar was, lagen
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Russische pers: 'Trumps schending van telefoongeheim doodt diplomatie'
Dat Donald Trump de tekst van een vertrouwelijk telefoongesprek met de Oekraïense president Volodymyr Zelensky heeft vrijgegeven
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Oekraïne tussen twee vuren in politieke strijd VS
Oekraïne is ongewild het epicentrum geworden van de Amerikaanse binnenlandse politieke controverses, nu de Democraten besloten