'Germany based its Russia-policy on hope, not on facts'
The approach of former chancellor Angela Merkel turned out to be based on hope and not on facts, Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the Munich Security Conference says in an interview. Looking back he wonders how it was possible to be so naive and utterly wrong.by Vazha Tavberidze -
Europe's gas markets hit turbulence - and eyes turn to Moscow
While natural gas reserves are far below the normal levels in Europa, gas prices are spiking. Normally one would expect that Gazprom would take advantage from the high prices and supply more gas. However, this doesn't happen. Experts wonder why. Is it to put political pressure on Germany to speed up the certification for the controversial Nord Stream 2?by Mike Eckel -
The return of the Berlin patient
The attempts to silence oppositon leader Alexei Navalny have failed.The Kremlin always portrayed him as a minor nuisance, a simple blogger. His poisoning revealed, however, exactly whom the Kremlin considered the main figure opposing Russian authoritarianism. Navalny will emerge from this dramatic incident an even stronger figureby Andrei Kolesnikov -
Parijs-top: impasse over autonomie in Donbas, wel staakt het vuren en gevangenenruil
Na negen uur onderhandelen hebben president Zelensky en president Poetin afgesproken dat vóór het einde van het jaar in de Donbas
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Zelensky's gesprek met Trump oogst in Kiev hoon én lof
Maandenlang had Oekraïne toegewerkt naar een ontmoeting tussen Zelensky en Trump. Maar toen het moment eenmaal daar was, lagen
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Berlin Game: the Hubris of Russia's Gunman Geopolitics
Two weeks ago in Berlin a Chechen enemy of the Kremlin was murdered by, presumably, a contract killer dispatched from Moscow. According to security expert Mark Galeotti, Russian policy making is often 'driven by powerful intangibles such as honour, vengeance and reputation'. -
Rusland benut Trumpisme niet
Op de jaarlijkse veiligheidsconferentie in München was Rusland dit keer geen middelpunt. Het ging om Trump en een Europees antwoord
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Controverse over gaspijp is gevecht over macht van Rusland in Europa
Terwijl de politieke verhoudingen met Rusland sinds 2014 alleen maar problematischer zijn geworden, groeit de Europese
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Will Trump and Putin bury NATO?
The NATO-summit with president Donald Trump, followed by his meeting with president Putin could mark a watershed in the relations
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German-Russian Rapprochement? Not likely to Happen Soon
Do we witness a ‘reset’ in German-Russian relations? On Iran and Nord Stream 2 a rapprochement between Putin and Merkel is possible, writes
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US-Russia policy shaped by war in Washington
The incoherence in US-Russian relations has many causes, from mutual misunderstanding to Trump’s own spur-of-the-moment style. But a
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Gas and oil interests split Europe and US in sanction policy
As Trump and Putin met for the first time during the G20, they apparently didn't speak about a very sensitive issue: the economic
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Wie gelooft er nog in het Donbas-bestand?
Het is weer oorlog in de Donbas. In december begon de strijd langzaam te escaleren. Na het eerste telefoongesprek tussen Trump
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Europese Ruslandpolitiek: een dubbeltje op zijn kant
Zolang bondskanselier Merkel en president Hollande het eens zijn over voortzetting van de sancties tegen Moskou, heeft Europa
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Europe is weak, Christian Russia is winning
Russia and Europe are fighting an ideological battle. The postmodern, secular and powerless Europe is challenged by Russia, where