• Gas crisis shows: Europe's road to energy transition will be bumpy

    The current energy crisis illustrates that the EU’s road to energy transition will be bumpy and reliance on Russian gas is here to stay for longer. At the Russian Energy Week president Putin rebuffed allegations that Russia uses energy as a weapon. His key message to the Europeans was: Russia is your reliable trouble-shooter, if you ask nicely.
    by Maria Shagina
  • Gasbanden met Rusland zijn oud, innig en nog lang niet verbroken

    Rusland en Nederland zijn lang, innig en hecht verbonden door aardgas. Journalist Wendelmoet Boersema dook voor

  • Germany at the crossroads in its relations with Russia

    The image of Putin’s Russia in Germany has suffered tremendously in the past few weeks. In the wake of a series of ever more implausible denials, the Kremlin’s credibility has seriously been eroded. Government and leading figures in the political parties have called for sanctions, both against the Lukashenko regime and Putin’s Russia, including stopping the North Stream 2 gas pipeline project. It remains to be seen whether the current shocks of the Kremlin’s behaviour will lead to major policy changes or, as in the past, end in business as usual.
    by Hannes Adomeit
  • What to do about Russia after Navalny?

    The poisoning of Alexei Navalny on an internal flight in Russia poses additional problems to the West. German experts concluded that

  • VS dreigen steeds luider met sancties vanwege Nordstream 2

    De VS dreigt steeds luider met sancties tegen Nederlandse en Duitse bedrijven vanwege hun medewerking aan de aanleg van de Russische
