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Tony van der Togt is Senior Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute in The Hague.  Before joining Clingendael he held different positions in the Dutch Foreign Ministry, both in The Hague and at Dutch representations abroad, dealing with Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Tony van der Togt established the first Netherlands Embassy in Kazakhstan, serving  as Chargé d’Affaires a.i. in Almaty from 1995-98. At the Ministry he worked on Eastern Europe and Central Asia in several functions, including Head of Eastern Europe/Central Asia Division from 2000-2005. He worked at CFSP-department from 1998-2000, including as Acting European Correspondent and was Special Advisor on OSCE from 2005-2008. More recently, he served as Consul-General in St Petersburg (2008-2011) and Special Representative for the Netherlands-Russia bilateral year in 2013.

He published several articles, including on Russia and the Eurasian Union, the EU’s Eastern Partnership and Dutch-Russian bilateral relations. Most recent publications include the Clingendael Reports: 'From Competition to Compatibility. Striking a Eurasian balance in EU-Russia relations' ,  'The Europeanisation of Moldova: Is the EU on the right track?' and 'The “Belarus factor”.  From balancing to bridging geopolitical dividing lines in Europe?'.


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