Mark Galeotti
- Expert security-policy
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Mark Galeotti is a senior associate fellow of the Royal United Services Institute in London, a senior non-resident fellow at the Institute for International Relations Prague and a 2018-19 Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute's Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
A specialist on Russian security affairs and organised crime, he has taught in Moscow, worked for the British Foreign Office, and consulted with many government and non-government agencies. He blogs on Russian security affairs at In Moscow’s Shadows and tweets as @MarkGaleotti.
His most recent books are 'The Vory: Russia's super mafia' (Yale UP, 2018) and 'The Modern Russian Army, 1992-2016' (Osprey, 2017).
- Real Fascism to combat fake Nazism: Patrushev’s dreams of a warfighting Russia
- Ukraine crisis: a case study in modern Kremlinology
- The latest spat between Russia and NATO is symbolic, not significant
- Can Lukashenko build an economy on bayonets?
- New National Security Strategy is a paranoid’s charter
- Politics will survive in Russia, somehow
- Hacking controversy highlights Kremlin’s self-destructive approach
- The Great Turn in Putin’s Post-Post-Authoritarianism
- Korolev’s coronation and the rise of the ruthless in the FSB
- Team Navalny needs strategy for the ‘phoney war’
- The EU humiliated itself in Moscow
- Belarusian KGB’s murderous intention revealed
- Security forces are Lukashenko’s strong right arm – and Achilles’ heel
- Kremlin's pitfalls with muslims and Kadyrov
- National Guard adopts ideological training without an ideology
- What to do about Russia after Navalny?
- The West and Belarus: a case for Hippocratic diplomacy
- Protests in Khabarovsk show decline of Putinism
- KGB chief Andropov still Russia’s mythical man
- Is the 'Irreplaceable Chechen' (in Moscow with corona) at risk?
- Does COVID-19 represent an opportunity for Putin – or for us all?
- The delicate balance of Great Patriotic War history politics
- Two cheers, maybe, for Putin’s ‘January Revolution’?
- Russia in 2020. Like 2019, but more so
- Russia’s Violent Theatre and Theatrical Violence
- Putin's KGB record: not a high-flier or leader, but a solid B
- Is minister of Defense Shoigu applying for post-Putin?
- Future without Putin no longer taboo issue
- Berlin Game: the Hubris of Russia's Gunman Geopolitics
- The old ultra-violence in Moscow solves nothing and everything
- Putin doesn’t want to kill liberalism, only optimism
- How the Russian Orthodox Church became the State God Corporation
- Venezuela is a cheap gamble for Moscow
- Russia and NATO both think time is on their side
- Is Nazarbayev blazing a trail for Putin?
- Can Tsar Vladimir Morph into Uncle Vova?
- Is Late Putinism Dead or only Resting?
- So who 'won' 2018?
- War of prosecutors suggests tension within Russian elite
- In the Donbas Moscow replaced uniforms by suits
- Kremlin calculus seems driven by dreams of war
- Special troops of GRU will be growing headache for the West
- Poison has become the fingerprint of Russia
- Russia’s hipster nationalism works
- Will the World Cup see Putin in the net?
- Testcase Telegram: will Putin be Stolypin or one of the Kims?
- Will Mueller’s investigation tangle Putin’s ‘adhocrats’?
- Election of Zeman shows limits and opportunities of Moscow's meddling
- Putin will elevate loyalty over all in his next presidency
- Saakashvili illuminates the struggle for Ukraine
- US-Russia policy shaped by war in Washington
- Sobchak and the presidential reality show
- Kremlin's puzzle: how to frame Putin's re-election?
- Conspiracy theories dominate East-West relations: time for realism
- National Guard: the watchdog that could break the leash
- Cyber-challenge cuts both ways
- Putin's message: make Russia great again
- Russia has no grand plans, but lots of ‘adhocrats’
- Protests show: corruption in Russia remains Putin’s biggest threat
- The Trump Dossier: dynamite or disinformation?
- Punish the criminal, not the instrument
- Hacking Western democracy
- Russia's mobilisation may prove Putin's undoing
- First thoughts about surviving the 'Trumpocalypse'
- Russians can make a difference in Sunday's elections: by staying at home
- Confessions of a Kremlin conspiracy theorist