
  • The economic aftermath of Ukrainian incursions in Kursk and Belgorod

    The Ukrainian incursions in the Russian Kursk and Belgorod districts have lasted for over a month already. The size of Russia's

  • Deeper Troubles for Russia’s Economy in 2023

    In the beginning of the war the economic sanctions against Russia didn't have the huge impact, that was foreseen in the West. But

  • How to save Ukraine's economy from the war

    The Russian war against Ukraine has had a disastrous impact on the country’s economy.The functioning of the country depends almost entirely on international financial aid but it’s still not sufficient compared to the country’s needs.
    by Sławomir Matuszak
  • Sanctions on Russia are strong but not 'nuclear'

    Every day the war lasts we see new sanctions on Russia imposed by the West. How effective are they? Read the personal blog and

  • Can Lukashenko build an economy on bayonets?

    Lukashenko is able to repress the opposition, but can he manage the economy of Belarus as well as he manages the crack-down of society?
    by Mark Galeotti
  • Putin's covid policy: economy first

    Confronted with the Covid pandemic the Russian government has put economy over people and propaganda over healthcare, writes

  • The Russian economy remains hostage of the siloviki

    In 2020 the Russian economy on the whole performed better than expected. But the middle class was badly hit by covid-19 and the most vital reforms, long overdue, again failed to materialize. Economic editor Ivan Tkachev of newsagency RBK analyses the bleak prospects for recovery in 2021. According to the government Russians’ real disposable income this year will drop by 3%, whereas independent economists predict a decline of 4–5%.
    by Ivan Tkachev
  • Elections in Belarus: even in the regions Lukashenko highly impopular

    After unseen police violence, anger in Belarus reached even some of the smallest towns across the country. In the weeks before the

  • Russia in 2020. Like 2019, but more so

    What to expect in 2020? Putin’s power within the system and Russia’s leverage in the world are still relatively great, but the ideas to change anything appear to be lacking. Putin and his entourage seem to think 'better safe than sorry'. So it will be more of the same: economic malaise, political repression and frozen conflict in the Donbas, argues Mark Galeotti.
    by Mark Galeotti
  • Putin replies to angry voters

    Russians watch Putin's annual call-in show for clues about what the future will bring, but the president took them back to the past. Putin invoked the 1990s to show that life could be worse, if not for his 20 years in power. We republish a slightly abridged report of the show, written by Steve Gutterman for Radio Free Europe, followed by quotations of Putin's most remarkable statements.
    by Steve Gutterman
  • Russian gas supplies to Europe on the rise

    Politics is politics, but money is money. Three years after the adoption of the EU Energy Security Strategy in Brussels not much has changed.
